Cover of Fantasticos Relatos de Nada

Fantastic Tales of Nothing in Spanish is now available!

“Relatos fantásticos de Nada” is now in libraries across Mexico! and probably in the rest of Latin America too (let us know if you get to see it there).

The release date for Spain will be soon too! We’ll let you know when we get news.

We just hope everyone enjoys our story while we work on the second part. We already received a couple of e-mails asking for it, we hope it’s available in late 2022.

Thank you for reading our graphic novel! And remember, we’re working hard for Nothing!

You can get “Relatos Fantásticos de Nada” in Mexico through Librerias Ghandi, Librerias Gonvill, Sanborn’s and

All the versions of Fantastic Tales of Nothing so far: A self printed book, the Advanced Copy, Hardcover English edition and now the softcover Spanish one!



