Chat with YA and Kids Book Central! (US only giveaway)

We had a chat with Beth from YA and Kids Book Central, we’re very thankful for giving us the opportunity, here’s a sneak peek of our chat, you can find the rest HERE!

YABC:  What gave you the inspiration to write this book?

Fanny: The idea originally was to do something fun with my friend, both of us like fantasy so we went from there. While I really like to read, I’ve always loved video games especially RPGs and fantasy adventure ones.

Ale: Role-Playing games along with the perfect opportunity to work on something dear and personal along with my best friend.

YABC:  Who is your favorite character in the book?

Fanny: It is very hard for me to pick favorites; everyone has something I love. Haven holds a special place for me because they were one of the very first characters to be created and evolved as we developed more into the story, and I grew a bit more as a writer.

Ale: Naoki has to be my favorite character, I just love the way he expresses himself along with the fourth wall break. (I have a weird bias towards secondary characters too.)

Source: YA and Kids Book Central





